Hi there, I'm Angelica Pasquali.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me!
Some people make art, I make people my art. I specialize in bringing the best out of people and documenting their greatness. Since 2014, I’ve established my business Luna AP Photography. Over the years I’ve focused on weddings, editorial, and portraiture.
When I’m not making people feel their best, I’m communiating powerful, impactful messages through visuals. I’m an award-winning New Jersey based artist that creates media for the better by combining art and activism. My art addresses social and global issues such as environmental protection to educate and spark active change.

I believe that one must practice what they preach. Pictured left is a photo of me photographing the largest enviornmental protest in NYC.
Read more about my activism here.
September 20th 2019.
Photo by Richard Frant.
Luna AP Photography is an inclusive company and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sex, orientation, religion, culture, or appearance.

Exhibited in:
The Montclair Arts Museum, New Jersey. 2015.
The Blank Wall Gallery, Greece. 2017.
"Travel" Gallery
Rockland Center of the Arts, New Jersey. 2019.
"Do One Thing To Make The World A Better Place" Gallery.
The Kresge and Pascal Galleries, Berrie Center at Ramapo College of New Jersey. 2019.
"Exposed" Gallery
Published in:
Fienfh Magazine - #10 August Issue. 2020
MOEVIR Magazine. - #3 July Issue. 2020.
VOLANT Magazine - #19 Biggest Issue Ever. June 2020.
Mob Journal Quarantine Edition #2. May 2020.
National Geographic Daily Dozen. 2019.
The Trillium Magazine. 2016 - 2019.
Book Cover Artist for:
"Queen 517" by Richard F. DeZerga
“The Incarnations”, “The Hood And The Wolf Pack” by Christopher Knighton
Gold Key Award Winning Photographer for the Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards presented by the Montclair Arts Museum

Publication in VOLANT Magazine.